The Orchids
Автор: Cook Thomas
Жанр: общая старинная литература
Владелец: фонд библиотеки
Формат книги: FB2
Размер файла: 482.07 кб
Внесён в базу библиотеки: 26.08.2012
As the world closes in around them, two Nazis hide out in a tropical paradise The servants sense something strange about the two old men. They are not sure what business Dr. Langhof and Dr. Ludtz have in El Caliz, but they are certain that whatever they do in their colonial mansion is the work of the devil. Although they do not know the specifics of the two men's crimes, the servants are right to suspect something sinister. The men are Nazis, fugitives from international law who fled to this South American haven in the chaotic days after World War II. Langhof brought with him a cache of stolen diamonds, with which he bought their safety from the small nation's corrupt president. He passes his days cultivating a stunning greenhouse full of orchids, and meditating on the evil acts that fill his past. For now they are safe, but fate has many ways of dealing out justice.
автор название книги
Я давно заметил, что к Богу часто обращаются люди инфантильные, слабые, легко внушаемые. Большому ребенку трудно жить одному в этом огромном равнодушном мире, и он ищет патрона, опекуна, покровителя. Хозяина.