Автор: Cook Robin
Жанр: общая старинная литература
Владелец: фонд библиотеки
Формат книги: FB2
Размер файла: 252.99 кб
Внесён в базу библиотеки: 19.02.2012
Robin Cook is the author -- and Coma is the book -- for which the term "medical thriller" was first used. It's a spine-chilling shocker about a crime beyond imagining and the committed young medical student who brings it to light.The surgery was routine -- the kind performed many times a day at Boston's most prestigious hospital. The teams that worked in OR #8 were among the best in the world. But even their incredible skill couldn't make up for what was happening around them. Several patients, admitted to the hospital for minor surgery, never awoke. For some inexplicable reason, their brains had been destroyed.
автор название книги
Дело в том, что массовое сознание шизофренично: народ вполне может проголосовать за взаимоисключающие вещи например, одновременно за снижение налогов и за увеличение социальных выплат. Все люди поодиночке умницы. А народ в массе своей мыслит, как самый глупый его представитель.