Автор: Crouch Blake
Жанр: триллеры
Владелец: фонд библиотеки
Формат книги: FB2
Размер файла: 200.89 кб
Внесён в базу библиотеки: 04.08.2012
For fans of Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and Thomas Harris, picture this: a landscape of American genocide… 5 D A Y S A G O A rash of bizarre murders swept the country… Senseless. Brutal. Seemingly unconnected. A cop walked into a nursing home and unloaded his weapons on elderly and staff alike. A mass of school shootings. Prison riots of unprecedented brutality. Mind-boggling acts of violence in every state. 4 D A Y S A G O The murders increased ten-fold… 3 D A Y S A G O The President addressed the nation and begged for calm and peace… 2 D A Y S A G O The killers began to mobilize… Y E S T E R D A Y All the power went out… T O N I G H T They’re reading the names of those to be killed on the Emergency Broadcast System. You are listening over the battery-powered radio on your kitchen table, and they’ve just read yours. Your name is Jack Colclough. You have a wife, a daughter, and a young son. You live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. People are coming to your house to kill you and your family. You don’t know why, but you don’t have time to think about that any more. You only have time to…
автор название книги
Дело в том, что массовое сознание шизофренично: народ вполне может проголосовать за взаимоисключающие вещи например, одновременно за снижение налогов и за увеличение социальных выплат. Все люди поодиночке умницы. А народ в массе своей мыслит, как самый глупый его представитель.