

The Killing Dance - Hamilton Laurell

The Killing Dance

Автор: Hamilton Laurell

Жанр: триллеры

Владелец: фонд библиотеки


Формат книги: FB2

Размер файла: 278.27 кб

Внесён в базу библиотеки: 08.11.2012

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"These days my life is a cross between preternatural soap opera and an action-adventure movie. Sort of As The Casket Turns meets Rambo."
The first hit man came after me at home, which should be against the rules. Then there was a second, and a third. Eventually, I found out that the word on the street was that Anita Blake, preternatural expert and vampire killer extraordinaire, was worth half a million dollars. Dead, not alive. So what"s a girl to do but turn to the men in her life for help? Which in my case, means an alpha werewolf and a master vampire. With professional killers on your trail, it"s not a bad idea to have as much protection as possible, human or otherwise.
But, I"m beginning to wonder if two monsters are better than one...

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