

Teeth: Vampire Tales - Datlow Ellen

Teeth: Vampire Tales

Автор: Datlow Ellen

Жанр: ужасы

Владелец: фонд библиотеки


Формат книги: FB2

Размер файла: 309.52 кб

Внесён в базу библиотеки: 07.08.2012

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The first bite is only the beginning.
Twenty of today's favorite writers explore the intersections between the living, dead, and undead. Their vampire tales range from romantic to chilling to gleeful — and touch on nearly every emotion in between.
Neil Gaiman's vampire-poet in "Bloody Sunrise" is brooding, remorseful, and lonely. Melissa Marr's vampires make a high-stakes game of possession and seduction in "Transition." And in "Why Light?" Tanith Lee's lovelorn vampires yearn most of all for the one thing they cannot have — daylight. Drawn from folk traditions around the world, popular culture, and original interpretations, the vampires in this collection are enticingly diverse.
But reader beware: The one thing they have in common is their desire for blood.

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