

The Master Harper of Pern - McCaffrey Anne

The Master Harper of Pern

Автор: McCaffrey Anne

Жанр: романы-фэнтези

Владелец: фонд библиотеки


Формат книги: FB2

Размер файла: 337.59 кб

Внесён в базу библиотеки: 02.05.2012

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Pern: a beautiful world colonized by humans, terrorized by the deadly spores called Thread, and defended by magnificent flying dragons. Anne McCaffrey's bestselling tales of this planet have yielded a multitude of unforgettable characters. And now, after years of urging by devoted readers, one of the most popular denizens of Pern takes center stage in a novel that chronicles his extraordinary life.
Along with the dragonriders, perhaps none are so revered on Pern as the harpers, whose songs record history, warn of the coming of Thread, and prepare Pern's people for the future. And no one is more influential than the Masterharper of Pern. The son of renowned composer Petiron and gifted singer Merelan, Robinton is a prodigy from birth and enjoys a special rapport with the telepathic dragons. But it is a time when Thread has not been a threat for centuries, the harpers have fallen into disfavor, and one despotic man is plotting to take over Pern. In this climate of unrest, Robinton will come into his own… driven by his belief in music, in the dragons, and in the salvation of his beloved Pern.

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