

INNUMERACY: Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences - Paulos John

INNUMERACY: Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences

Автор: Paulos John

Жанр: математика

Владелец: фонд библиотеки


Формат книги: FB2

Размер файла: 204.01 кб

Внесён в базу библиотеки: 19.05.2012

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Paulos speaks mainly of the dangers of mathematical innumeracy; that is, the common misconceptions of the layperson in regards to numbers, exploring the relationship between math and the human mind. Paulos discusses innumeracy with quirky anecdotes, scenarios and facts, encouraging readers in the end to look at their world in a more quantitative way.
Topics include probability and coincidence, the birthday problem, innumeracy in pseudoscience, and statistics and trade-offs in society.

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